Wednesday, April 29, 2020

5 Things to do during lock down p.2

Here's another 5 things you can do during lock down!

1.Pull an all nighter 
2.Soap your trampoline and then run and slide on it
3.Play a board game
4.Tidy up your room
5. Make up a game

Hope you liked my list!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

5 things you can do during lock down

During lock-down heaps of kids are getting bored including me!So here's a list of things you can do!

1.Go out for a run
2.Go to the beach
3. Spend time with family
4. Make tik toks
5. bake lots of goods

I hope you liked my list!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fun facts about animals (p.1)

Fun Horse Facts about horses 
  •  Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up.
  •  Horses can run shortly after birth.
  • Domestic horses have a lifespan of around 25 years.
  • A 19th century Horse named 'Old Billy' is said to have lived 62 years.
  •  Horses have around 205 bones in their skeleton.
  •  Horses have been domesticated for over 5000 years.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Trying something new

Are you bored?Well you probably are so here is a way to entertain yourself
What you need:
With these simple ingredients you can make a colourful piece of art!
The first thing you need to do is get a plate or a bowl then place some skittles on the plate (I choose red and green)but you can choose any colour you want the next thing I did was pour some water into the bowl then all you have to do is wait it should only take about 40 seconds!And there you have it!Hope you liked it!  

Monday, April 20, 2020

Have you ever wondered?Netflix (part 1)

Have you ever wondered why movies/shows are rated so high??Well I have half the things on Netflix are rated 16/13+ Like stranger things!Stranger things is rated 16+ and I've watched I understand it and it is not scary in any way!I also know many of you have watched it and like it!

Stranger Things - Home | Facebook

Thursday, April 16, 2020


My best friend!
Do you know what it feels like to have a real friend?Well I do she is my best friend  her name is Charlotte we go to the same school and are lucky enough to be in the same class we are both the same age and i was lucky enough to have meet her in 2019 ever since that day we have been inseparable!She is kind,caring,pretty,funny,cool,chill,talented,smart,friendly,gentle and she is an amazing singer!She always has my back!And she is always there for me when i need her or if i just need some company!For example if her phone hasn't been taken away (yet) I will text her and she will reply with in seconds!ME and Charlotte video call almost everyday and we talk for hours for example yesterday we talked for 4 hours straight it's been hard not seeing her face everyday but i know after lock down we will probably have sleepovers every weekend!

My hide and seek poem!

My hide and seek poem by Isy!


My game of hide and seek starts by figuring out who has to be the seeker once we find out who the seeker is the seeker will have to close their eyes and count to 40!We’ll the seeker is counting all of the other players must find a place to hide!I hid on the roof i mustn't move a muscle the seeker is right under me I thought to myself!After a while everyone but me had been found I was relieved!I shouted I’m over hear,I’ve won!I laughed!

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Here are some really funny joke's to tell your family and friends!Hope you enjoy them!!

My teacher told me to have a good day....
Answer:So i went home!

What did the traffic light say to the car....
Answer:don't look I'm about to change!

Today at the bank and old lady said check my balance...
Answer:So i pushed her over!

Why did the bicycle collapse.....
Answer:It was two tiered!!