Thursday, April 23, 2020

5 things you can do during lock down

During lock-down heaps of kids are getting bored including me!So here's a list of things you can do!

1.Go out for a run
2.Go to the beach
3. Spend time with family
4. Make tik toks
5. bake lots of goods

I hope you liked my list!


  1. Hi Isabelle! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School. Awesome work! I like your ideas, and I bet it would help some people figure out what they should do.

    I run around my backyard a lot, since I have such a big one. At home, everyone has been doing baking and we always having some yummy to eat. What is the thing you have been up to lately?

    To improve, maybe you could add this in a creative way, like Piktochart. You could use the site to put in your list and make it more colorful and eye-catching.

    Awesome work!

  2. Kia Ora I'm Jorja from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you said including you, because it explains that you are also getting bored during lockdown.

    The facts you have used are really good.

    Next time, you could add it into a slide.

    Kind Regards Jorja.

    1. Hi Jorja thanks for commenting on my blog I really appreciate it!And thanks for your feed back it was really good!Kind regards Isabelle


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